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Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.

If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.

When you visit our church, you will find:

  • A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
  • Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
  • Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age

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  • From The Pastors Pen

    Dear Church Family,

    I hope this letter finds you well and blessed as we continue our journey together in faith. Yesterday, we gathered to reflect on the powerful message from Mark 4:26-29, where Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God growing secretly like a seed sown in the ground. The key takeaway was clear: "It'll work if you work it."

    The seed of God's Word, once planted in our hearts, continues its transformative work within us. Just as a seed requires fertile soil to grow and bear fruit, our hearts need to be receptive to God's Word for it to take root and flourish in our lives. This leads us to the reflection question for this week: How is your soil?

    Each of us is like soil in which the seed of God's Word is sown. Is our soil receptive, soft, and ready to receive the Word? Or are there obstacles such as hardness, distractions, or busyness that hinder its growth? Take some time this week to honestly reflect on the condition of your heart. Consider what changes or adjustments you can make to cultivate fertile soil that allows God's Word to grow abundantly in your life.

    Remember, God promises that His Word will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11). Let us trust in His faithfulness and continue to cultivate our hearts to be fertile ground for His Word.

    As we move forward this week, let's encourage one another and support each other in our spiritual growth. May we be a community known for our love, our faith, and our commitment to living out God's Word in our daily lives.

    Blessings to each of you,

    Pastor Richard Williams, Jr.

  • Vacation Bible School 2024

  • Revival: Antioch MBC

  • From The Pastors Pen

    Dear Beloved Family,

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I trust this message finds you well and basking in the afterglow of our powerful service yesterday. We dove deep into the heart of John 21:15-17, exploring the pivotal moment when Peter, despite his failings, was reaffirmed and redirected by Jesus not to forsake his divine assignment.

    In yesterday’s sermon, "Don't Neglect the Assignment," we were reminded that even in moments of failure, our calling remains steadfast. Peter’s journey mirrors our own times when we, daunted by setbacks, might retreat to our 'old boats and nets.' Yet, Christ calls us back, not to dwell on our past errors, but to feed His sheep, to tend His lambs.

    This week, let us take heart from Peter’s restoration. No setback is final in God's economy. Our work, our ministry, and our service are not invalidated by our imperfections. Jesus’s question to Peter, “Do you love me?” underscores that our relationship with Him is foundational to our calling. It is not our perfection but our love for Him and His grace that qualifies us.

    As you step into this week, may you find courage in Christ's relentless trust in us. Let us not return to our old boats, but move forward, ever committed to the tasks He has set before us. Embrace your divine assignment with a renewed spirit and a fearless heart.

    Blessings for a fruitful and fulfilling week.

    In His Service,

    Pastor Richard Williams, Jr.
    Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church

  • Give Online

    Give Now Click Here

  • Mt. Vernon Client Choice Food Pantry

    Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church Client Choice Food Pantry is available to ask who are in need. Please spread the word!!! We are here to serve our community and ALL who are in need. 

  • VBS 2024 - Camp Firelight - 7/29/24 - 8/2/24


    Surrounded by water, trees, and rolling hills, Camp Firelight is the perfect location for every Camper’s favorite summer activities! During each assembly session, Campers join first-time camp counselor Sam and Lu (short for Lumen), the lightning bug puppet, and learn to face their fears while trusting in God. Each day, Campers see Counselor Sam face new challenges, from as simple as leading Campers on a hike to meeting a new and wise nature expert. With the help of Lu the Lightning Bug and the Camp Counselor Guidebook, Counselor Sam and our Campers explore timeless Bible stories that show how Old and New Testament Campers trusted God in the face of their own fears and went on to do great things in God’s name.


  • Need a ride to church?

    Please Register by Friday of each week if you are in need of a ride. The church van will leave the church at 7:00 AM each Sunday Morning.  

    Register Here

  • Official COVID-19 (Omicron) Statement

    The Official Statement of Mt Vernon MB Church concerning COVID and the Omicron Variant. Please click on link below and watch video. 